Air handling unit
VRS 500
The air handling unit casing consists of closed aluminum profi les connected by strong corner fasteners made of aluminum alloy or high-strength fi berglass-reinforced special plastic and three-layer panels with an internal fi ller of dense mineral wool. The panel thickness is 50 mm. For the manufacture of panel walls, a galvanized sheet with a thickness of 0.7 mm is used. Design version 01 comes with powder coating on external and internal panels as standard. In design version 02, the exterior panels are powdercoated, the interior panels are made of stainless steel. In design version 03, external and internal panels manufactured without additional coating. In design version 04, the internal panels are without additional painting, and the external ones are powdercoated.
The panels are attached to the frame profi le with self-tapping
screws fastened from the outside. Thus, preventing the protrusion
of fasteners on the inner surface of the installation. A special seal
is glued between the panels and the frame to prevent leakage
through the casing. Holes in the panels are closed from the outside
with special plugs.